Friday 2 November 2018

4 Ways You Can Check if Your Car Battery Still Has its Mojo

Whenever you turn the engine key on, the car battery produces a jolt of electricity that goes into the ignition system to kick-start your car. At times, however, this does not happen due to a very simple reason: a bad car battery. There are several signs that a car battery has lived its useful life and it is time for a replacement.
A standard car battery usually has a life of around 10 years, with a margin of error of 2 years. Many people do not take proper care of this vital unit. Assuming that you are a cautious driver who does not intend to go too soon for a, say, new car battery in Harrogate, you need to pre-empt the most common issues.
Look out for the following symptoms for a car battery issues.

4 Tips To Check For A Problematic Car Battery
  1. Foul Odour, Akin To Rotten Eggs
Our basic chemistry lessons have taught us that rotten eggs are how the gas hydrogen sulphide smells like. At times, whenever you pop the bonnet, you get this smell. Well, it indicates that the game’s over for your vehicle’s battery. The sulphuric acid is reacting with water to release H2S along with that unavoidable odour.
As soon as the first hint of the odour hits you, do not waste any more time. Pay a visit to your nearest service station. If you live in and around Harrogate, visit professional auto garages such as HG Motors. They always have fresh stocks of tyres and car batteries plus a team of qualified service personnel to help you breeze through your MOT Harrogate.
  1. Electrical Tomfoolery
From the power windows to the AC, anything that works when your car is not in motion runs on the battery. If any electrical equipment malfunctions, it will mean that there is something very amiss with the battery. It’s unable to discharge its duties properly resulting in a lack of power for the electrical devices to function properly.
  1. Longer Engine Cranks
Does your car take slightly longer to crank than before? It might indicate that your car battery is fast approaching its end. All you hear as you keep turning the key are irritable whirring sounds, faint attempts at vanity. It also takes a toll on the spark plugs, which may need a replacement later on. It is best to go for a new car battery before things get even worse.
You are more than likely to fail an MOT in case you have a faulty battery. If your car fails to start in the midst of an inspection, it does your reputation no good at all.
  1. Battery Casing Bulges
When a vehicle’s battery is about to go out like a candle in the wind, the casing starts to bulge. It is also known as bloating. The cause is simple: there are plenty of unwanted chemical reactions happening inside the cell. Since the battery sides are always flat, any bulging around the sides is noticeable at once and requires immediate attention.
Whenever you feel that your battery is having a problem, make sure that you ask the local car experts for advice and assistance. for more detail visit our website: